Rain Delay Theater

#14 - Minisode: Baseball Videos w/ Ben Perkins



The guys are joined this week by friend of the show Ben Perkins (@allusedup2 on Twitter) to watch and discuss some of their favorite Baseball Videos! We run down some of the great baseball meltdowns, rants, and drunken moments captured for our eternal listening and viewing pleasure! Wally Backman and Terry Collins losing their minds, Lou Piniella ranting on Steve Stone, Rick Sutcliffe drunk on air, and THE classic George Brett video are just some of the videos we talk about in this ep! Jack, Jeremy, and Ben run them all down and give their insight on these audio gems. In what's becoming an alarmingly routine warning, things get a little graphic when discussing the George Brett video, but how could it not?! Heavy dudes-being-dudes alert for this one, but, hey, t'was all in good fun! For links to all vids covered in this ep, please visit raindelaytheater.com/notes/episode-14-notes-baseball-videos