Rain Delay Theater

#48 - 7/3/19 Detroit Tigers @ Chicago White Sox w/ Marc Bubblebath



Jack and Jeremy welcome their first in-game guest, Marc Bubblebath (musician, English Softhearts, Orphan Schlitz) as they take in the White Sox vs. Tigers game at Guaranteed Rate Field. Hear the tale of an unfortunate Tigers fan who took a major whack to the hand in an attempt to catch a foul ball and the scene it caused in the aftermath. The dollar dogs were flying tonight as well, so much so, that the guys were reprimanded for their overzealous interaction with a short-handed hot dog vendor. Also, Marc tries to get to the bottom of Jack and Jeremy’s fascination about ripping the video board presentations and Jeremy shares a couple fun stories from his and Marc’s past. Plus, stay tuned for the profanity-laced story of a crazy train rider that interacted with the guys on the way back from the game! It’s a fun group episode this week, so tune in and enjoy! And be sure to follow Marc on Instagram and Soundcloud @orphanschlitz!