Code & Conduit Podcast By Bloomberg Bna

Episode 29: ‘If Not Us, Who?’: Cybersecurity’s Gender Gap Requires Fixing



America’s information security workforce faces a massive gender gap, and it hasn’t improved much in recent years. It’s a longstanding issue. Women composed 10 percent of the cybersecurity profession in 2013, and the number rose to just 14 percent in 2017. That’s according to the 2017 Global Information Security Workforce Study, a white paper by Frost & Sullivan that compiled data from more than 19,000 respondents in 170 countries. For this episode of Code & Conduit, Joyce Brocaglia, founder of the Executive Women’s Forum, which contributed to the report, and chief executive officer of Alta Associates, joined the podcast via phone. Tyrone Wilson, founder of Cover6Solutions, a veteran and minority-owned small business, and organizer of the D.C. Cyber Security Professionals meet-up, which brings together about 5,000 cybersecurity professionals each year, joined host Kyle LaHucik in the studio.