Get Found!

Get Found - The Problem With Attribution Models For Marketing - episode 93



According to CMI, proving ROI on content marketing efforts is becoming less of a challenge for marketers. I’m not sure I’ve heard anyone say that though… I think what might be more accurate to say is that people are investing in content marketing, and there are lots of metrics for content marketing, and that people believe content marketing works… But I don’t believe that correctly assigning value and ROI to content and its associated is any less challenging now than it was a year ago. What does seem to be on the rise is attribution modeling, in all of its messed up, inaccurate glory. Attribution modeling, specifically multi-channel attribution modeling, simply put, is a way to assign “credit” to various channels for their role in creating conversions. And not all models are created equally. This week we’re going to discuss with Steve Farnsworth a few of the challenges associated with attribution models.