Dudes Spankin' Dudes

Episode 1: Give Us Your Lunch Money



Welcome to the first episode of Dudes Spankin' Dudes. Scott (RedSpkScott) and Brian (SoupGoblin) are your hosts. For this premiere podcast about men with the spanking fetish, we introduce ourselves and help you get to know us. Here are the three main segments: 1. "Real Dudes Spankin' Real Dudes": Brian and Scott talk about their history as men with spanking fetishes and some basics. 2. "The Fantasy Life of Spanking": Scott and Brian critique one of their favorite pieces of spanking erotica, bully-themed video "Lunch Money." 3. "Spankify Everything": Brian and Scott discuss celebrities (for a fairly lax definition of "celebrity") that they want to spank and be spanked by and why.