Dudes Spankin' Dudes

Episode 2: Brian Is a Total Spank N00b



Thanks to inspiration and listener response, we've decided to try a twice-a-month podcast plan. Look for us on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. For this second episode we answer some questions and recommend all folks into dudes spankin' and being spanked by dudes join Tumblr. The things we'll discuss in our second episode: 1. "Real Dudes Spankin' Real Dudes." Brian isn't a total n00b to the whole spanking scene, but he is recent newcomer when it comes to actually seeking out spanking play in real life. We discuss what that was like and what he learned about that transition. 2. "The Fantasy Life of Spanking." We delve into the current state of spanking videos and explore the awesomeness of it (There's SO MUCH SPANKING OUT THERE) and the issues with it (it mostly seems targeted toward tops). We'd love to hear some feedback on our observations here. 3. "Spankify Everything." We thought we wouldn't have much to say about the Olympics, but then Ryan Lochte happened.