Dudes Spankin' Dudes

Episode 5: What Is It About a Dude With a Paddle?



Brian has needed to take a step backward with the podcast, but he's not gone, we promise. Scott and Brian's buddy Jason joins the discussion for this podcast. 1. "Real Dudes Spankin' Real Dudes": What is it about a dude with a paddle anyway? Scott and Jason talk about the origins and masculine traits of one of the more popular punishment implements with dudes and things to think about when swinging them. 2. "The Fantasy Life of Spanking": This episode Scott goes on waaaaay toooo long about why individual spanking fantasies matter and how the "narratives" we make up for ourselves about spanking are important to making our kink or fetish part of a real-world satisfying sexual experience. 3. "Spankify Everything": Of course we would end up eventually talking about video game dudes. So many spankable butts in video games. So many!