Dudes Spankin' Dudes

Episode 6: Get Your Ass Out There! With An Online Profile, We Mean.



Brian is back for the latest podcast, yay! In this episode, Scott and Brian discuss: - Real Dudes Spankin' Real Dudes: Brian and Scott talk about making online profiles for hookup sites to indicate your interest in spanking, and debate the best ways to communicate your interests. The two big sites they're referring to are www.spankthishookups.com and recon.com. - The Fantasy Life of Spanking: It's story time! Scott and Brian first met through a shared interest in spanking erotic fiction. We talk about malespank.net, a major home for stories about dudes spanking dudes and Brian's book publishing. - Spankify Everything: This was supposed to be a wide-ranging discussion of spanking fantasies and superheroes, but Scott went on and on and on and on about Colossus of the X-Men, who was responsible back in the day for Scott's sexual (and spanko) awakening.