Dudes Spankin' Dudes

Episode 14: Be It Resolved There Will Be More Dudes Spanked in 2018



Happy New Year! Big Daddy Vegas is back with RedSpankScott for another episode. We've got a bit of an update on the state of Whappz, focus of episode 7. Beyond that: In our "Real Dudes Spankin' Real Dudes" segment, we talk about resolutions for the New Year, particularly in terms of spankings, obviously. But also in terms of making friends and communicating with other guys in the spanking community. In our "Fantasy Life of Spanking" segment, Scott and Frank share a fondness for jocks, as do many dudes into spanking dudes or dudes who are into dudes in general. We talk about the fantasy and about Frank's background as an actual, honest-to-god Jock. We've also got a couple of questions from listeners at the end. And apologies for the drop in sound quality for the last 10 minutes or so. Clearly it's time for Scott to get a new headset.