Dudes Spankin' Dudes

Episode 16: Bring Daddy His Belt!



We've got Big Daddy Vegas back for a third episode. And we've got info on a new spanking party in New York City appropriately called "Welts." (Check out the host's Tumblr page here: https://nycinfernoparty.tumblr.com/) In our "Real Dudes Spankin' Real Dudes" segment, it's been a while since we've talked about particular implements. Daddy Vegas is a master at the belt and straps, so we spent some time talking about how to use them, and how they feel, and what to do when you're inexperienced with them (watch out for those balls!). In the "Fantasy Life of Spanking" section, humiliation plays an important role in nearly every fantasy that involves spanking, so we decided to take some time to discuss why that is, how humiliation play allows for longer scenes, and how it allows for individual sessions to be more memorable and unique. All this and a question from a newcomer struggling with online communication with tops about getting spankings.