Square 1 Show

Square 1 - Episode 1 - Party Hard



For our first show, we discussed political parties and how they impact our political system from the ground up. Our first interview is with Dave Kaib, a researcher at American University and the organizer of DC Jacobin and related activities in the district. Our second interview is with Kip Malinosky, a middle school civics teacher who also works as the chair of the Arlington Democrats. In between, we played the song “Mindhead” from local punk band Puff Pieces. You can find their latest album “Bland in D.C.” on Bandcamp and can follow them on Facebook to learn about upcoming shows. Call to Action Resources Local political parties are ultimately made up of small groups of activists who show up to meetings, organize canvassing and phone banks, and help to create party priorities through by influencing internal actions through their engagement. Our first call to action is a simple one: get involved with your local political party! Here are some resources to help you engage with political parties in the area. D