Guru Viking Podcast

Ep14 Daniel Ingram - Guru Viking Interviews



New episode! In this interview I am joined by meditation teacher and author Daniel Ingram. Daniel sparked great controversy when in 2008 he published his first book ‘Mastering The Core Teachings Of The Buddha: An Unusual Hardcore Dharma Book’, signing it as the Arahant Daniel Ingram. Naming himself an arahant, which is one of the highest attainments in Buddhism, flew in the face of cultural taboos against disclosing one’s enlightenment. In this fascinating conversation we delve into Daniel’s childhood mystical experiences and how he overcame a lack of meditational talent to embark upon a life of intense retreat and practice. We discuss his meditation challenges and accomplishments, and lay out the stages of awakening and how to traverse them. At the end, Daniel turns the tables on *me* and questions my own experience and motivations! I hope you enjoy this one! - Daniel’s childhood mystical experiences - Crossing the arising and passing away in a dream - Daniel’s first retreat and overcoming a