Guru Viking Podcast

Ep18: Leigh Brasington - Guru Viking Interviews



Ep18: Leigh Brasington - Guru Viking Interviews In this episode I am joined by Leigh Brasington, Buddhist meditation teacher and author of ‘Right Concentration, A Practical Guide to the Jhanas’. Leigh talked about how he transformed from a self described pot-head to a serious meditation practitioner in his very first retreat. We learn how learning the jhanas - 8 altered states of consciousness, brought on by deep meditative concentration - from meditation master Ayya Khema radically changed his life’s direction. We discuss stream entry for non-monastics, why most people underestimate their meditation potential, Leigh’s controversial take on Western Dharma teachers who claim full awakening, and why the Siddhis, or supernormal powers, are so associated with the practice of jhanas. Let me know what you think in the comments section below! 00:21 - How Leigh first became interested in meditation 00:57 - Chögyam Trungpa, Ayya Khema, and Leigh’s first meditation retreat 02:20 - Pot head to yogi - giving up