Guru Viking Podcast

Ep19 Glenn Mullin - Guru Viking Interviews



This episode of the Guru Viking Podcast sees the return of one of my absolute favourite guests, Glenn Mullin. Glenn is a Tibetologist, translator, and Tantric Buddhist meditation teacher, who studied for many years in Dharmsala with the Dalai Lama’s own gurus. In our last conversation, way back in Episode 9, we talked all about this fascinating period of Glenn’s life. We ended that podcast just beginning to touch on the inner yogas of Tantric Buddhism. In this episode we dive deeper into the completion stage practices as we discuss tummo (tsa lung tigle), the balancing of the male and female energies, clear light yoga, and we enter the realms of karmamudra, or ‘Tantric sex’, as it is presented in the Six Yogas of Naropa. Video version of this podcast: …. Topics include: - Producing heat with tummo practices - Tests of tummo practice in old Tibet - Demonstrations of energy control - The three qualities of inner bliss - The real pur