Guru Viking Podcast

Ep20: Dhammarato - Guru Viking Interviews



In this episode, I talk with Dhammarato - a lineage teacher in the Thai Buddhist tradition who has gained an enthusiastic internet following for his unique, 1-1 teaching style conducted over Skype. We discuss Dhammarato’s adventures throughout India studying in search of magic and meditation; his encounters with gurus such as Muktananda, Sai Baba, and Osho; why meeting famed meditation master Buddhadasa turned his search for magic upside down and saw him ordain as a Buddhist monk in the Thai Tradition. We discuss what Dhammarato calls the ‘supra-mundane Dhamma’; hear his take on the failings of Western Buddhism; learn why he believes Visuddhimagga author Buddhaghosa was either a charlatan or a fool; and discover Dhammarato’s surprisingly simple advice on correct practice. For the video version of this interview, visit: Topics include: 00:50 - Dhammarato’s professional background and search for magic in India 04:42 - A challenging 10-day retreat with U Upandita