Waters Wavelength

Episode 100: Bitcoin Futures...Again!



For Episode 100, Anthony and James welcome back the creator of the Waters Wavelength podcast, Dan DeFrancesco, who now writes for Waters’ sibling publication, Risk.net as the publication’s commodities reporter. [Editor’s note: This episode was recorded in a conference room close to the street, we apologize for any disturbance of background noise. Dan is a busy man and we had to fit him in, so we blame him entirely.] 2:45 - 8:45 Dan has been covering developments in the bitcoin futures space very closely for Risk and he provides a lay of the land. https://www.risk.net/commodities/5371031/fcms-look-to-top-up-initial-margin-on-bitcoin-futures 10:00 Dan and Anthony take a stroll down memory lane and look back at the reasons for starting this podcast and the value of using a podcast to reach readers. 18:45 Finally, what to binge on during the last few weeks of December.