
#3.1 DaGoodFacts: When did I start listening to SKEPTA?? KONNICHIWA: Hello to you too, Skepta !



The one and only, SKEPTA released is 8th compilation, the album KONNICHIWA! I decided to review it and to give a little bit of insight in such a music career and artist. In my opinion, a real case study. I hope you guys enjoy this review, and as you migh have understood already, there will be a part 2 for this episode. The album is too good to be spoken about just in 30minutes! Remember to FOLLOW DaGoodFacts on Soundcloud, Twitter and Tumblr, and also to follow me at @DudaFyahBox on any social media platform. Comment, press the heart button, interact, and feel comfortable to disagree. PEACE Music: www.bensound.com #DaGoodFacts