
#4.2 DaGoodFacts: personal experience w/ music & CRAZY stories about Richie Campbell + Regula!!!



It's Duda time now! Going back to the subject, I will now talk about the first time that I listened to certain songs, how those experiences were, and what I collected from them. Also, I will talk about two crazy moments during a Richie Campbell show and a Regula performance. I hope you understand why I talk about me a lot on this episode, so the theory on the first time that you listen to a song makes sense, and people can understand how I relate to it. I hope it doesn't sound too much like an ego trip. Each one of us has its own way of listening to music, and as long as everybody is happy, I'm happy. It's just my 2 cents on this concept and theory. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, press the heart button, and share it with your peers. Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect!! Music: www.bensound.com #DaGoodFacts http://twitter.com/dagoodfacts http://dagoodfacts.tumblr.com http://soundcloud.com/dagoodfacts dagoodfacts@gmail.com