Waters Wavelength

Episode 147: Crypto Insurance & Waters USA Recap



This week, Anthony and James talk about some of the themes and discussions at our flagship Waters USA conference, which was held in New York City on December 3. Then, James sits down with Raymond Zenkich, president and chief operating officer of crypto insurer BlockRe, to talk about some of the challenges of offering insurance products in such a new and risky market. 2:00 James and Anthony revisit some of the themes from this week’s conference, including where fintech companies get it wrong while trying to attract bank funding. 4:00 One of the highlights was Cathy Bessant, global chief operations and technology officer at Bank of America, being interviewed on-stage by editor-in-chief Victor Anderson. 7:00 A new way of looking at artificial intelligence, beyond the hype cycle, was evident at the conference. [For a very deep dive into how firms are using deep learning in the capital markets, click here.] 9:30 While people are coming around to using one (or more) of the big cloud providers, there are still