Waters Wavelength

Episode 170: A European Consolidated Tape



This week, Anthony and Josephine Gallagher, senior reporter for WatersTechnology, discuss the European consolidated tape and how it mirrors what we’re seeing in the US with the consolidated audit trail. https://www.waterstechnology.com/trading-tools/4495891/platos-planned-platform-could-serve-as-precursor-to-european-consolidated-tape https://www.waterstechnology.com/data-management/4520496/finra-cat-lays-out-security-plans 2:30 When the consolidated tape was first proposed, the idea was largely applauded. 5:00 No one wants to be responsible for building this thing. 7:15 There is some overlap with what we’re seeing with the consolidated audit trail (CAT). 10:00 A look at the next few deadlines/significant dates. (Brexit could throw this all off.) 17:00 Why it might make sense to have the Plato Partnership build the consolidated tape (though this is pure speculation). 20:30 Finally, to wrap things up, Jo tries to explain Brexit and what Boris Johnson is doing to Tony. [CORRECTION: At the 8:10 mark, Anth