Waters Wavelength

Episode 211: Using Behavioral Analytics



This week on the podcast, Clare Flynn Levy, founder and CEO at Essentia Analytics, joins to talk about her shift from the buy side to going “native”. Before that, Wei-Shen and Anthony talk about the WatersTechnology Innovation Exchange, which starts on September 9. To register for the three-week virtual event, use this link: https://events.waterstechnology.com/innovation-exchange/book-now * Clare joins the podcast and explains the reason for starting Essentia Analytics and what it means to “go native”. (5:30) * Using analytics to trust your gut, or let you know if your gut is wrong. (15:00) * How can understanding behavioral biases help push active managers forward? (16:30) * Clare discusses how AI biases play into the fund management process. (32:00) * For those on the buy side not using behavioral analytics, what’s holding them back? (38:00)