Russell Prue

Radio Blogging Friday 27th March 2020



First broadcast at 9.30am on Friday 27th March 2020. This was our fifth radio show, we ran a live blogging activity alongside our broadcast with our hosts Pie Corbett, Deputy Mitchell, Ian Rockey and Russell Prue. This is about Creative Writing, Writing for a Purpose and engaging our folks in Storytelling and Story-writing. This project was setup to assist colleagues in their classrooms during the Coronavirus School Closures and to help those home educating. Follow us on Twitter @RadioBlogging Today we played 3 starter games with Pie and Ian, Wrong Word Story, Maudie fell asleep because and the Snow came ... ing game. Vashti Hardy was on our show and Russell interviewed her we used the Padlet to write from the image from the Auror, I can see ... Then we looked at the Cloak Image, magical equipment. In the explorer's knapsack, then he heard Vashti read from Darkwhispers and asked listeners to carry on writing the story. Page and Form and Andrew Fuesek Peter's poem Cit Jungle p