Russell Prue

Radio Blogging Holiday Club Wednesday 27th May 2020



First broadcast at 9.30am on Wednesday 27th May 2020. This was our second Radio Blogging Holiday Club radio show, we ran a live blogging activity alongside our broadcast with our hosts Ian Rockey and Russell Prue/ This project was setup to assist colleagues in their classrooms during the Coronavirus School Closures and to help those home educating. Follow us on Twitter @RadioBlogging We're also on Facebook Please visit our page and share as widely as possible. Today our opening starter games were, Ten ways to get a cat down from the top of a telegraph pole. We also played, Days of the Week, a miraculous thing happens each day. Today our Author was Tom Palmer @TomPalmerAuthor We had a new special feature today live Q&A with SF Said @whatSFSaid You can also join Russell and Ian on Sundays at 3pm for their Radio Blogging All Request Sunday Live Show here on RadioBlogging.Net Get your messages in early. Listen to all of their shows here www.Anderton