Learning To Listen

L2L 125 - Derp, Nostalgia! - Nerf Herder



Learning to Listen L2L 125 - Derp, Nostalgia! - Nerf Herder This week we start a new series called Derp Nostalgia where we dust off albums we used to love back in the day and see if they still hold up. Quinn starts us off with Nerf Herder's 1996 self titled debut. Does it hold up? Do we still like it? What even is a Nerf Herder anyway? #EngagedListening --- Come check out our Patreon! Your support would really help to keep this show going. Plus, you can check out our bonus material. Follow us on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram Check out our YouTube channel.  Email us at learningtolistenpodcast@gmail.com Rate and review us on iTunes!