Ghost Magnet With Bridget Marquardt

Don’t Mock The Dybbuk Box with Jason Haxton



Today’s guest is Jason Haxton.  Jason is the former Dibbuk Box owner and is the  Director of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. He has studied American antiques and ancient artifacts for the past 26 years, collected and researched Mayan pottery for his thesis in the humanities, and has lectured on art history, paranormal & ancient art for 6 years at a mid-size liberal arts university. After he bought the dybbuk box, he launched a website that consolidated claims about the cabinet called "" that reportedly received hundreds of thousands of hits and created what has been described as an "internet legend". In 2004, Haxton sold the rights to the story to a Hollywood production company. The subsequent film The Possession, produced by Sam Raimi, was released in 2012. In 2011, he wrote a book about his experiences called the Dybbuk box and Haxton later gave the cabinet to Ghost Adventures star Zak Bagans to display in his museum. In 2018, rapper Post Malone claimed a string