Heartsong Fit With Vickie Maris | Healthy Ways To Address Stress

Tribute to Veterans on D-Day 70th Anniversary



Episode 6 of Heartsong Fit With Vickie Maris is a special tribute on the 70th anniversary of D-Day (WWII) to Lt. Col. James R. Maris and the men and women who fought for freedom in WWII. Lt. Col. Maris flew 30 missions in a B-24 bomber. His second mission was D-Day. You will hear his recounting of that day as read by his daughter Vickie.  In this episode, she also reads the story of Mission 23 which she wrote in conjunction with her dad for a posting on the website for the 392nd bomb group. Vickie is now working on the completion of her dad's memoirs. She is interviewing her mom, Lucille Maris, in order to add the perspective of a stateside bride during WWII. You can hear some of Lucille's stories at the end of several of the episodes of Heartsong Fit.