Heartsong Fit With Vickie Maris | Healthy Ways To Address Stress

Healthy Living Tips From Mo Amin |Mixed Martial Artist and Coach of UFC Fighter Jon Fitch (retired)



This episode covers a variety of topics including: Sounds of the early morning and late evening of Dawn of Dawn of Promise Farm My experiences with the Ultimate Reset, a 21-day gentle cleanse from Beachbody (up to Day 16 for this recording) An interview in Rhyno's Gym with trainer and coach, Mo Amin, who specializes in training fighters in mixed martial arts and people from all walks of life who want to improve fitness. He's had great fighters train with him including Jon Fitch! (Jon is now retired from fighting.) A story from my mom, Lucille Maris, about WWII and bringing a Cocker Spaniel, Blondie, home from England. She had been the mascot for Dad's bomber crew. She boarded in England in a kennel with General Eisenhower's dog, as they waited for a ship and the care of a ship's butcher during the boat ride back to America.