Heartsong Fit With Vickie Maris | Healthy Ways To Address Stress

Relaxing Sounds of Fox Lake Resort [Fishing] in Minnesota



While the primary content of this episode is recorded on location at Fox Lake Resort in Minnesota, the show starts with a story from our llama farm. You'll learn about one of my protective mama llamas, Velvet, who is still looking out for her daughter, Petals, who has long since grown into an adult llama. As I tell the story, my Connemara pony, Madison, interrupts and tries to get the attention on himself. Then, at Fox Lake Resort, I visit with Edwin and Sheryl Olson, in Marcell, Minnesota - USA. They share the history of the resort - original structures built completely by hand without electricity by two Frenchmen in the 1930s - and the many ways people enjoy the property for fishing and nature vacations. You'll hear the sounds of a fishing line being cast from the boat during an outing to fish for large mouth bass and northern pike, as well as an eagle chirping from the bank of the lake. Scott and I have co-written a song, "Minnesota," that is inspired by our trips to Fox Lake Resort.