Heartsong Fit With Vickie Maris | Healthy Ways To Address Stress

Relax on a Horseback Ride With Vickie Connemara Pony, Madison



Whether you're an experienced horseman or still dreaming of owning a pony, you're going to enjoy taking a ride through the llama pasture during Episode 11. I put my Edirol recorder in my vest pocket so you can hear the footsteps of my Connemara horse, Kerrymor Madison, the creaks of the saddle, the sneezes of the llamas and other ambient sounds of the ride. This episode is specifically designed to help you relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the moment. If you're not currently giving yourself time to de-stress each day, I hope this ride on Madison plants a seed for something you could begin doing in your journey of self care. I also recap a keynote presentation given by John Medina during the International Online Learning Conference (OLC). He is the author of Brain Rules and several other interesting books about how our brains work and how we learn. He tells us that the research suggests at least 30 minutes of exercising to get your heart rate elevated on a daily basis is you want to stave off memory loss an