The Gait Guys Podcast

Podcast 103: Effects of Cold on Physiology/Athletes



  Podcast 103: Podcast 103: Effects of Cold on Physiology/AthletesUsing Cold adaptation to your advantage, Walking Rehab "Carries", Walking and Proprioception.Show Sponsors: newbalancechicago.comSoftscience.comOther Gait Guys stuffiTunes link: Guys online /download store (National Shoe Fit Certification & more !) web based Gait Guys lectures:Monthly lectures at : type in Dr. Waerlop or Dr. Allen, ”Biomechanics”Show Notes:ColdSwitching on a cold-shock protein may restore lost connections between brain cells & memory function in aging brain."Connections between brain cells - called synapses - are lost early on in several neurodegenerative conditions, and this exciting study has shown for the first time that switching on a cold-shock protein called RBM3 can prevent these losses.