On Air With Stephanie Synclair

EP009: How to Be in the Game to Change People’s Lives and Leave a Legacy



Even if you can not stand Donald Trump you listen to him. He is out there and people are talking about him. He is doing something right. As a business owner you need to get people talking about your business. Think about it, if a person overhears other people saying your name and talking about you they are probably going to sign with you and not someone they have never even heard of. You need to build up your brand and do it on a ticket item that gets you what you are worth. If you are as good as you believe you are then you have no competition.    Key Takeaways: [:49] Close the gap of your journey is Quantum Leaping [1:25] Dominating your industry - Male and Female sides [3:16] There is also a time for relaxed energy [4:09] I’ve been talking my book up on live streaming platforms [5:50] My information will shift you and get you where you want to be [6:38] Why you need to get like Donald Trump [7:22] High ticket or low ticket [8:32] How to get a free 14 day manifesto [9:05] What makes one person get more atte