On Air With Stephanie Synclair

EP031: Five Questions to Ask Before you Unlock the Secrets of a Promotional Event



Learning from successful entrepreneurs is the right thing to do but don’t mimic every move they make. Clients sign up with them because they offer something unique and different. If you try to be something you are not people will know it and it will turn them away. Step into who you really are with a live promotional event. But you need to ask yourself 5 important questions before taking the leap. Listen in and I’ll tell you exactly what they are. Free offer – If you want a chance to win $130k in free consulting products go to Startmyleap.com and sign up for my new Business Alchemy Show on Periscope.   Key Takeaways: [0:47] What exactly does it mean to quantum leap your business? [3:25] The Business Alchemy Show on Periscope [6:00] 7 Ways to attract your ideal clients [7:08] Inauthentic entrepreneurs - being something other than who you are Step into who you really are [13:00] 4 Steps to use social media to attract all the clients you desire [13:28] 5 Questions to unlock the secret of a promotional event W