On Air With Stephanie Synclair

EP037: Stephanie's Ultimate Travel Tips



Whether you are traveling for work or pleasure it's important to make sure you're getting the most out of your trip as possible. Stephanie is a world traveler who has developed a few tried and true methods to keep you at the top of your game no matter where you are at in the world. Don't even think about planning a trip before you listen to this special, all travel based episode. Free offer – If you want a chance to win $130k in free consulting products go to Startmyleap.com and sign up for my new Business Alchemy Show on Periscope.   Key Takeaways: [0:47] What exactly does it mean to quantum leap your business? [1:26] Stephanie shares the results of her latest soft-launch for "She's Iconic" and shares the ways that you can get involved before it's too late. [7:20]  Today's Topics [12:12] Don't let the credit card companies take advantage of you, there's a way to beat the "fees" and save money everytime you travel. [21:31] Stephanie's favorite travel hacks that will keep your business up and running while tra