Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Twitter Strategies & The Power of Periscope with Sue B Zimmerman



Sue B. Zimmerman, the Instagram gal, is founder of Insta-Results (the world’s first comprehensive online Instagram course) and author of the #1 eBook “Instagram Basics for your Business.” She’s also a popular CreativeLive instructor, powerful speaker on prominent stages like SMMW15, and highly sought after business coach. Sue is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs, business execs, and marketing professionals how to easily leverage the power of Instagram for tangible business results. She uses her knowledge in social media, her lessons learned after starting 18 businesses, and her 30+ years of business experience to teach, mentor and empower others to be highly successful entrepreneurs as well. In today’s #TwitterSmarter podcast she talks about the importance of building a community, sharing her tips and advice about Twitter, Instagram and her fave new app, Periscope, which happens to be owned by Twitter. Episode Highlights: Being visible on Twitter requires a deep content well – curated or owned – b