Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Building True Relationships with Marty McPadden



Marty McPadden is a digital, video and audio content producer and strategist. He is the founder and CEO of PodJamTV Productions, which produces live and edited audio and video shows and conducts video workshops. Formerly with ESPN, Marty has over 18 years’ experience in television production and operations. His latest product,, helps brands and businesses take advantage of the video revolution by producing and hosting live online video shows. In today’s #TwitterSmarter podcast episode, Marty talks about the two Ps of Twitter: participation and patience. Episode Highlights: Marty joined Twitter in 2007, but didn’t get serious about his use until 2009. Once he did, he immediately saw the quality of his relationships grow. He explains how in this episode. His six year history with Twitter has taught him valuable lessons about participation and patience. He goes into details on both, including actionable steps we can all follow. Twitter chats provide a low barrier to entry for new users