Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Systems, Strategies and Tools to Maximize Twitter with Lilach Bullock



Lilach Bullock is a digital marketing consultant and trainer, social media expert and professional speaker. According to her LinkedIn profile, she’s a one-woman hurricane, blitzing her way across the web on a mission to save the world from drab landing pages and sales funnels that don’t convert. In this episode, Lilach shares insights on systems, strategies and tools to help maximize your Twitter presence. She says in order to be successful, you need to be active and be seen. And that it’s important to create systems that are scalable. She stresses it’s vital to have a strategy. So many times, people jump in with blinders and have no plan. In this interview, you’ll be a fly on the wall as Lilach shares ways you can take your Twitter marketing to a whole new level. My Favorite Quotes During the Interview: “You have to create systems that are scalable and more importantly, that you can maintain. I think that just goes what Twitter and social media is all about, it’s about being consistent. I think you have to