Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Expand Your Twitter Name with Jeff Higgins & Casie Shimansky



In this episode we’re doing something a little different. I’m spotlighting two people who are using a new Twitter feature that allows you to have up to 50 character spaces for your display name. It was 25 spaces and now it’s doubled. This allows you to get really creative. On my profile it says: Madalyn Sklar. Speaker. Podcaster. Chat Host. It’s a way for people to know more about me. It’s bold and it stands out. I noticed two people who are using it in very creative ways and wanted to spotlight them here on the podcast. They are Jeff Higgins and Casie Shimansky. Jeff is doing something really cool that stood out to me. He’s changing his Twitter display name every few days. And they’re really witty, for instance one day it said: Jeff Higgins Only Wears Banana Republic Boxers. And now it says: Jeff Higgins Was In A Pretty Crappy Band. He’s having fun with this and getting lots of attention. Casie is doing something really cool and unique. Hers says: Casie [kay-cee; KC] = Going BALD for Kid’s Cancer. This reall