Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Boost Your Twitter Using The 10x Formula with Garrett Moon



Garrett Moon is the CEO and Co-Founder of CoSchedule, a popular editorial calendar that helps you plan, promote and execute your marketing strategy. Ranked as the best business tool built by a startup on, CoSchedule helps more than 7,000 marketing teams stay organized in more 100 countries around the world. Garrett has a new book out called the 10x Marketing Formula, Your Blueprint for Creating Competition-Free Content That Stands Out and Gets Results. In this episode, he and I have a candid conversation about his 10x formula. He tells us we can take advantage of Twitter by using it more when it comes to publishing and resharing content. And that too many times we forget to keep that steady drumbeat going on Twitter. So that’s where the 10x formula comes into play. You’ll hear his strategies, that when applied, will help you get 10 times the results. Episode Highlights: Garrett’s Twitter tips: #1 thing people need to be doing to really take advantage of Twitter is using it more, publishing