Yes, You Can! With Virginia Phillips Podcast

Episode 3: Know Your Why



In today’s episode, we are joined by Dr. Marion Bevington, a trauma transformer & creative coach, mentor and teacher. She helps her clients and students transform themselves by finding calm focus, gaining clarity, building confidence and evolving into who you are here to be. From a humble and troubled childhood, surrounded by unemployment and alcoholism, she now work on and in multiple businesses and over the past 4 years have won a number of awards for coaching, teaching and as an author. Using cutting-edge techniques, scientifically proven and combining ancient wisdom, specialising in accessing, awakening and aligning your super intelligent body and mind, using Yoga, Shamanism, Kinesiology and Energy Psychology to help you move into success AND stay there! The founder of Corporate Yoga London and co-creator of “The Find Your Why Foundation” joins us to discuss how she changed the direction of her life. She also shares how to heal from trauma, and how you can reprogram and transform yourself into someon