Yes, You Can! With Virginia Phillips Podcast

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Did we just travel in time that audio is now the trend again in media? Our grandfathers or great-grandfathers would use to tune in to radio for news and interviews while tending the farm or doing the day’s work. We would have not seen this coming in the internet age.  Daniel Gefen, the #1 Bestselling Author of the book The Self-Help Addict and host of Can I Pick Your Brain?, emphasizes the relevance of podcasts and to be in podcasts if you want to be heard. Sure, you can still write articles to get the message across, sure you can still be on YouTube for publicity; but if you want to deliver your content to the rest of the population who can’t sit down, are on the go, or are just not in the moment to read or watch videos, then you definitely have to talk it away on a podcast. In this episode, Daniel also gives us a peek about the following: -How to take your engagements to a deeper level. -The link between loneliness and self-help addiction. -His journey of success and vulnerabilities. Create your own or be a