This Is Fifty With Sheri And Nancy

EP 62 How to reset life — Brooke McAlary



The Pillar Life is all about personal transformation and lasting change. So Sheri and Nancy pulled up a chair with Brooke McAlary, a master manifestor of a completely new way of living. Brooke is a best-selling author, beloved podcaster, and a leader in the movement toward slow living. She helps thousands of people slow the pace, clear the clutter, and reclaim what is truly important to them.  With her new book, Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World and The Slow Home Podcast, Brooke shares so many amazing insights — like how to commit to saying “yes” and “no” to the right things, why we should all move from multi-tasking to simple-tasking, and how to take a fresh look at the myth of work-life balance.  Pause, and listen, and let it all soak in. Slowly.  Takeaways: ● In Sheri’s search for the perfect doctor to talk hormones, she learns she may have some post-traumatic stress still stuck in her body from years of a fast-paced life.  ● Purge the screens and ditch the scrolling! Sher and Nance make a commitment