Weight Loss Nation

Lose 5 pounds in 5 days! S3 Epo49



Hey Weight Loss Nation! The Weight Loss Nation https://Shop.TotalLifeChanges.com/34605577/products I'm going to be talking about "pooping" and detoxing your intestine today. It's very important to "poop." Your body excretes excess waste, toxins, fats and bacteria from your body.  I asked my Doctor how often should I be "pooping." She told me everybody poops differently. My doctor also told me the average cycle of "pooping" is from 3 times a day down to once every 3 days. "Pooping" improves your digestive health. Today and next week we are going to be talking.... a lot....about "Poop." I've always had problems "pooping." I suffered all my life with constipation. I use to EAT a lot of processed foods.....fatty foods.....and I EAT a "large amount" of food. These are some ways that cause constipation. Being Pre-Diabetic or having Diabetes can also cause Constipation. Since I started living a long-term healthy lifestyle TWO years ago.....I improved my "constipation" problem.  NOW.... I wanted to improve the freque