Weight Loss Nation

Have Dessert On Thanksgiving S3 Ep050



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com It's November.... The Holidays are Here! Let's plan for Thanksgiving Now! Whether you are hosting Thanksgiving at your house or you're visiting family & friends, I have the perfect dish for you to make for dessert that everyone will enjoy. If you "Plan" out what you are going to eat on Thanksgiving Day, you will "Enjoy" yourself and still maintain "control" of what you eat. Call and find out what is on the "menu" for Thanksgiving. Write down what you are going to eat. If you want to have stuffing, then have it! Just "control" how much of the stuffing you are going to eat. I'm going to have ONE Healping Tablespoon of Stuffing. I'm going to have ONE Heaping Tablespoon of Sweet Potato Casserole and I'm going to fill up on Turkey and vegetables. Then...for dessert...You'll be bringing it!  Don't worry about ANY other Dessert that is on the table. Don't even look at it. You are bringing a DELICIOUS Baked Apple Pie without the Crust! A healthier, Yummy Dessert