Weight Loss Nation

Suck on This Lady!



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Delicious Blueberry Popsicles   Prep Time – 5 minutes   Ingredients   2 Cups of Fresh Blueberries ¾ Cup of either   a. Chobani Non-Fat Plain Yogurt  or So Delicious Coconut Milk Unsweetened Vanilla Yogurt Alter ½ Cup of Almond Butter  ( I use Artisana Raw Organic Almond Butter)                   Go to  www.ArtisanaOrganics.com 1 teaspoon of Vanilla  (REAL Vanilla has no alcohol in it.) Vanilla EXTRACT does contain Alcohol as a preservative.  The most sought after type of REAL Vanilla is Madagascar Vanilla. As the name suggests….the Vanilla beans or pure extract come from the island of Madagascar. Madagascar is about 266miles off the East Coast of South Africa….or directly East of the country of Mozambique. Madagascar Vanilla is expensive. For a 2 oz. bottle on the Amoretti.com website,  you will pay about $11.99. By Comparison…..Vanilla Extract…which does contain alcohol, can be bought at your local supermarket. I priced a 2 oz bottle of “McCormick’s” Vani