Weight Loss Nation

How Cherry Pie Is Helping Me SLAY Emotional Eating



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Here we are in mid April! April Showers bring May flowers! I have a question for you.....How many of you would describe yourself as an "Emotional Eater?" I AM.....I have spent my WHOLE Life being an Emotional Eater! NO MORE!! I am on a MISSION to SLAY Emotional Eating in 90 Days! Why??? Because Emotional Eating is taking a toll on me and it is Preventing me from Achieving MY Goals! I'm on a 90 day mission to SLAY Emotional Eating! Join Me! If you'd like to be part of the WLN Community.....go to www.facebook.com/groups/TheWeightLossNation It's Free, it's SAFE.....it's a place where women come to share....listen....and GROW! If you have a question you'd like me to answer...send me an email....send it to Support@TheWeightLossNation.com   Are YOU POOPING EVERYDAY! I Am! I drink my TEA 2x a day....Ice Cold when it's warm, nice & hot when it's cooler. Want to start Eliminating Waste, Toxins, Virus & Bacteria from YOUR Gut? Try the TEA! It works! Go to -