Practice Of Being Seen

Fiachra O’Sullivan: Empathi with Figs



Fiachra “Figs” O’Sullivan, an Irish born San Francisco-based dad, husband, and psychotherapist, gets real with us about the fears of showing up, being vulnerable, talking politics, and having fun - even when you have no idea how people will receive you.   “Being real” with clients in a healing environment is one thing, but what does it mean to bring  who you really are to the greater, public online space? Figs helps us understand that this isn’t a modern, online phenomenon: we all take these risks in our relationships when we ask others to really see who we are.   Couples therapy helps individuals see and understand that they both play a role in the relationship story. Together, they can begin to create a new narrative of love and belonging.   All relationships are on a continuum and we move between moments of connection and disconnection and we spend much of our time in the messy middle. Through experiences of disconnecting and reconnecting, you start to see that you fight because you mean so much to e