Practice Of Being Seen

Intentions and New Pathways: A conversation with Benjamin Reisterer



In our ever increasingly more technology-driven world, it is becoming even more imperative that we drop down into our physical bodies to understand what we feel and notice how it shows up for us in our bodies.  There is so much information to be had in our sensory and intuitive experiences, if we’ll only take the time to notice it.  And this information can show us not only how we react or respond to others, but also how we can shift cultural paradigms. So, it is only fitting that this week’s guest, Benjamin Reisterer, created a remarkably simple, convenient smartphone app called MetaFi, which guides users through noticing what emotions they feel, where they physically feel it in the body and the story around the emotions in three quick steps, so that users can begin to notice patterns in their emotions and physical responses and consciously disrupt those patterns with newer, healthier habits.  In our conversation, Benjamin and I talk about how app users can use what they learn to make changes, the neurobiol