Science... Sort Of

Ep 4: Science... sort of - 80's Nostalgia, Looking back on Simpler Times



In Episode 4 of Science. . . sort of: Read the full show notes with links The guys are all drinking beer of diverse qualities, you should join (if of legal age, Science… sort of and their creators take no responsibility for anything that may go wrong in the event of drunken Science). Next the Paleopals attempt to get put on the No Fly Lists for several countries including the United States, Mexico, Quebec, Texas and Canada by talking about EMP attacks on our outdated electricity grid. Then Ryan and Justin get excited for a remake of a movie Ryan’s never seen, Justin just watched, and Patrick never liked as they talk about the trailer for Tron: Legacy! Is your baby smarter than a dog? Probably not, but either way a wolf will never trust you according to Patrick’s story of the week. Finally, He-Man may be the Master of the Universe but Ryan is the Odd-Man-Out as Justin and Patrick discuss a seminal work of 80’s animation.