Science... Sort Of

Ep 78: Science... sort of - Fake Stout



00:00:00 – Ben takes a moment to ask the Paleoposse to consider helping the people of Japan recover from recent catastrophe. If you'd like to donate we've provided some links: Doctors without Borders American Red Cross   00:00:40 - Ben also tells us the scientific cautionary tale of LIGO, which has something to do with lasers and gravity waves. Straight out of sci-fi and into a mysterious envelope that holds the key to potential publication!   00:19:01 – What are we drinking? Charlie has trouble with a top. Ben has a brew from south of the border and south of the ground (i.e. made from a root). Ryan supports the Japanese brewery Kiuchi, which even though hit hard by the tsunami has stopped brewing but started bottling water for people displaced from their homes.   00:27:44 – Trailer Trash Talk is a 15-year-old boy's fever dream as the Paleopals discuss Zak Snyder's latest offering: Sucker Punch!   00:39:31 – Economics and alcohol combine in the world of bubbles and brewing. A team hired by Diageo (owner