Environment China

左手科研 右手实践——中国生态保护的草根创变者



在国际NGO“野生动植物保护国际”负责具体的研究项目几年之后,木兰科植物研究者赵兴峰和灵长类动物研究者宋晴川认为对动植物的保护比起研究更加紧迫。随着中国生态文明建设的不断深入,兴峰和晴川与几个志同道合的朋友共同创立了社会企业“大戟自然”,希望利用自己的科研背景、国际NGO的工作经验以及商业化的模式,为中国大大小小的自然保护地提供管理运营的解决方案。如果希望进一步了解大戟自然,可以关注“大戟自然”的微信公众号。   Our guests for this episode are Song Qingchuan and Zhao Xingfeng, who are both researcher-turned-social entrepreneurs in ecological protection. After working in international NGOs on special research projects for a few years, Song and Zhao decided to make the change and be the change in their ways to protect the ecological environment they are passionate about. By combining their technical expertise and business minds, Song, Zhao and a few like-minded friends established Daji Nature, a social enterprise that offers business solutions to the management of protected areas in China, which they believe is practical and replicable.